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Genes  have locus’s, which can have alleles  as modifiers .  The two pigments  that  combine to make colors in rabbits are Black/Brown (eumelanin) & Yellow (red – pheomelanin)


Agouti  locus’s – expresses  the “wild color” which is the banding of the individual hairs. Banding is dominate , and is expressed by ” A” allele.   “Self ” colored,  which has no banding is the recessive allele “a” . If the animal has two recessive alleles it will have a solid colored hair shaft . ther is a third loci on this gene. at: the tan marker. Tan creates a soild pattern onb the top of the rabbit with white or tan belly , inner ears , and eye rings. similar to harliquen, it is exspressing the soild color of the eumelanin on top , and the Soild color of the pheomelanin on the bottom.


Black is the Dominate color in Rabbits , Chocolate is the recessive.

The B loci expresses the quality of  eumelanin.  Eumelanin can be exspressed as either Black or Brown, and their are many colors that are created depending on which of these is the base color. Their are also genes that mask or remove the ability for a hair folical to produce eumelanin, in these cases either no pigment(white) or onl  pheomelanin(Yellow/Red) are exspressed.


The Color Concentration Loci has four Alleles.

“C” Full color is Dominate,

“cchd” or “chd” which is Dark Chinchilla, this strips most of the pheomelanin (red/yellow) and it turns grey/white  while leaving the eumelanin (black/chocolate) alone.

“cchl”or ” chl”  Light Chinchilla , strips the pheomelanin (red/yellow) and some of  the eumelanin (black/chocolate) giving it a shaded appearance. It can also give the eumelanin a lightning effect turning it a sepia color.

“ch”  Himalayan (or Californian) allele , is a temperature sensitive allele that  leaves colors at only pointed tips . The  parts of the rabbit espoused to the coldest temperatures have the richest darkest colors and the  color intensity can change seasonally.

“c” is the most recessive . Two copies of “c” on this allele produce Red Eye Whites. Although “c” this is the most recessive gene, in    some ways has the most dominate effect. When “cc” is expressed it prevents both pheomelanin and eumelanin from being exspressed, and this then  masks all other Loci  hiding the rabbits actual coat colors completely.


“C  cchd cchl ch  cc

Waldorf Chestnut

Full Color

Quick Silver


  Light Chinchilla/Sable Shaded
has not shown up in my lines


 California/ Hymilayan

has not shown up

in my lines


Red Eyed White

Chestnut Chinchilla  Siamese Sable Himalayan Red Eye White
A-B-CD-E- A-B-cchd  D- E-  AA BB chl DD E A-B-cch D- E- —cc–
Black Self Sallander  Seal
aa B-C-D-E- aa-B-chd- D- ee  AA B-chlchlD-E-
Black Self Sallander  self Sable
aa B-C-D-E- aa-B-chd- D- ee  aa B-chl-D-E-
Black Self Sallander Self Black Seal
aa B-C-D-E- aa-B-chd- D- ee  aa B-chlchlD-E-


This loci has two Allele  D-  & dd .   The D Loci, effects the Eumelanin of a rabbit on the B locus. A rabbit that has double recessive genes for dilution “dd”, will make a Black Rabbit   Blue,  and a Chocolate Rabbit a Tan/Fawn color called ” lilac” in rabbits.

D is dominate for no dilution or full Density of color,

d is recessive and Diluties the color .

Black Blue
aa-B-C-D-E- aa-B-C-dd E-
Chocolate Lilac
aa bb C- D- E- aa- bb C- dd E-


This Alle modifies the bands on an Argouti Rabbit .

Ed  dominate black. This is the most Dominate Gene on the E loci, it is more Dominate then Es.

This gene exspresses Full soild color at the B loci Eumelinin . It completly extendes the black bands on the Argouti hair shaft  with wha ever color is present in B. Some Genetisists  have theorized that a Double Steel coat can also present as Dominate black, but since the Ed marker has been reported as far back as the 1800’s I am incuding it. I also wonder if my Broken black Buck may actually carry this gene along with E.


Es Steel ,  A Steel Coat  the hait shaft is mostly black with a gold or White/silver Tip, tip color is depended on where the Rabbit can produce pheomelanin or not.  A Gold Tipped Steel is a nomal presenting pheomelanin, a Silver tipped Steele is most likly a Chinchilla Rabbit at C.  Double Steel will extend the pigment of the shafts  on some rabbits to make a Agouti look like a self black.

E is  the thrids most dominate gene , It exspresses     Regular Extenstion, or  normal expression of  the colors at the A and B loci

ej  Harlequin  characterized by  alternating patches of banding. These rabbits look Bringdled or patched, in te harliquen Breed, the Color is perfered to have a Perfectly Split face between the pheomelanin and eumelinin sides, with the opposite ear colored, and again the oposite front legs, Ideally the rabbit will have a clean checker board like pattern .  Very Clean Harliquens with havea densly colored coat with clean patches but in co-domiante rabbits brindling and mudding of the patches is common.  ej exspresses itseld in 2 base colors.


  • Magpie, which is a Chinchilla based coat meaning the coat is stripped of the pheomelanin and presents as White, with Black or Chocolate based patches.
  • Japanese , Which exspresses the full color pheomelanin Red/Yellow, along with the Black or Brown based patches, both colors idealy wuill have the same patterning.

e  Tort/ non-extension the oposite of the Steels with the light part of the Agouti hairs extended to the base. Non-extention strips out the eumelinin from the  argouti coat and presents as a yellow/red soild colored rabbit, but it is common for these rabbits to still show the creamy/white underbelly   that distinguises the Argouti.

A Tort is a Self colored rabbit at A, ” aa” and it exspressed as a Reddish soild coat since the pheomelanin masks the Color at A, but they tend to exspress the eumelinin  with darker points. silimar to the Hymilation points, their Nose, Ears, Feet and Tail will be shaded darker.

 Ed -Dominate Black  Es -steel  E-normal extension  ej – harliquen  e- Tort  or  non-extension
Dominate Black Gold Tipped Steel Chestnut Harlequin Red
A-B-C-D-Ed- A-B-C-D-Es- A-B-C-D-E- A-B-C-D-ej- A-B-C-D-ee




 ENEN – Charlie  ENen – Broken enen – Self spot  /full color/ no spotting
Broken Black Charlie

<20% color

Broken Black

>20% color


100% color

 aa-B-C-D-E- ENEN  aa-B-C-D-E- ENen A-B-C-D-E- enen


references :

https://www.minkhollow.ca/rabbits/doku.php?id=genetics_into <- lists Ed as dominate black

https://www.raising-rabbits.com/e-locus-rabbit-colors.html <- questions  Ed’s existence

http://hardwayharlequins.greyclick.com/genetics.php <–  DETAILED Harlequin genetics guide         Ej and Torted Harliquen.

https://www.ias.ac.in/article/fulltext/jgen/014/02/0225-0229 <- Genetics of the Japanese Rabbit



Shared from MMC Farmstead


(I am sharing posts that I want to save like this due to having so many saved pages and posts deleted on social media as well as other webpages disappearing. Original link will always be provided)