Want to buy or sell Tri Rex, this may help. Five Buying and Selling misconceptions…

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Want to buy or sell Tri Rex, this may help.

Five Buying and Selling misconceptions…

False assumption #1… quality breeders don’t want to sell to new people.
WRONG. Quality breeders want to sell to someone willing to improve the breed. Doesn’t matter if you’re new or have been breeding for 20 years. If you aren’t interested in constructive criticism (which is necessary to improve), then you aren’t breeding for show quality animals. Period.
If someone wants to sell you a rabbit without asking what physical qualities you need to improve your herd, run the other way. Likewise if you’re a buyer and don’t have an answer to that question… why don’t you? Know your breeder!

False assumption #2… if it’s a BOB winner or a GC it’s a quality rabbit.
WRONG. It’s all about who the competition is. For instance, if you sell culls as show quality (happens all the time) and then you compete your best against only those culls, you’re going to win. That, imo, is NOT a legitimate win. Know your breeder AND know who their competition is.
Another example is youth. A rabbit granded or winning from youth is NOT the same as Open. Be aware that it appears the same on pedigrees. KNOW your breeder.

False assumption #3… if that person is in the sweeps, they breed great rabbits.
WRONG. This isn’t an issue in broken like in other varieties, but still an issue. Know the difference between a breeder and a buyer. Be aware that over half of the people in sweeps did not breed the rabbits that got them there, they bought them. You can also accumulate a lot of points by putting a lot a rabbits on the table and showing frequently. Many ways to earn sweeps points. Know you breeder!

False assumption #4… people who critique an animal on social media are experienced and knowledgeable.
WRONG! As a matter of fact, they rarely are. Experienced and knowledgeable breeders are waiting for questions they can give directed answers to. Know your breeder.

False assumption #5… quality breeders sell their stock for a lot of money.
WRONG. Why people assume this I have no idea. No one is ever going to get rich selling rabbits. And frankly those who refuse to cull and sell everything they breed for X amount of money probably make more money that quality breeders who sell only a percentage and charge 2X. It’s a hobby, period. The best breeders I know willingly give away high quality rabbits. They don’t charge at all because they want to help. Most charge reasonable amounts. If it’s outrageous it’s probably not what you think. KNOW your breeder.


shared from FB group Tri Rex Rabbit Breeders by Sheri Palko


(I am sharing posts that I want to save like this due to having so many saved pages and posts deleted on social media as well as other webpages disappearing. Original link will always be provided)