1st annual Quincy Area Rabbit Club ARBA show
March 15th, 2025 at the Adams County Fairgrounds Mendon, IL Facebook event link below and I can also get additional info if needed! Hope to see a good turnout! https://www.facebook.com/share/1CH8aoa5mN/
March 15th, 2025 at the Adams County Fairgrounds Mendon, IL Facebook event link below and I can also get additional info if needed! Hope to see a good turnout! https://www.facebook.com/share/1CH8aoa5mN/
shared post ______________________ ______________________________ Shared from FB group Tri Rex Rabbit Breeders by Sheri Palko https://www.facebook.com/groups/855387584572462/permalink/2304273619683844/ ________________________________ (I am sharing posts that I want to save like this due to having so many saved pages and posts deleted on social media as well as other webpages disappearing. Original link will always be provided)
shared post – Before we get into the heart of the matter, I need to remind you that the broken pattern is just that: a pattern, not a base color. Broken can overlay on “top” of any other color; a black rabbit with the broken pattern will be a broken black; likewise, an otter-colored rabbit with […]
shared post One of the first color genes to understand is the A Locus, which determines whether the hairs are banded or solid, and what base pattern the color expression of a rabbit is. First the cheat sheets, then a discussion of “test breeding” to determine genetics; then all breeding percentages for the A Locus. […]
shared post Although the D Locus (dilution) does affect rabbits who are Agouti or Tan/Otter, for this introduction let’s stick to Self rabbits. As we know from this previous discussion of the A Locus, a Self rabbit is a solid-colored animal. We will discuss the D Locus and how it affects Agouti and Tan rabbits in future […]
shared post Be aware that dwarf genes are in many breeds and in fact are desirable for show purposes in a number of smaller breeds, such as Mini Rex, Netherland Dwarf, Jersey Wooly, Holland Lop, and Lionheads, just to name a few! A quick discussion on breeding dwarf-to-dwarf: Do not be hasty to judge a […]
shared post For the purposes of understanding recessive Chocolate, I am assuming that all non-Chocolate rabbits are black. It is best to understand simple recessive genes before adding the pressures of other color modifiers such as Dilution. Such topics will be entertained at a future time. CLIFF’S NOTES FOR RECESSIVE CHOCOLATE: If you don’t […]
shared post Before we get to the cheat sheets, you need to remember that a Blue Eyed White will “hide” the base color of the rabbit in it’s homozygous form. Thus a “black” rabbit who has two copies of the Vienna gene (V/V) will appear white with blue eyes. Also, I cannot stress it […]
shared post from FB Long post ahead 😂 Scroll to the end for 🐰🐰RABBIT USES🐰🐰 SELF-HEAL (Prunella vulgaris) OTHER NAME(S): All-Heal, Blue Curls, Brownwort, Brunelle, Brunelle Commune, Brunelle Vulgaire, Brunette, Carpenter’s Herb, Carpenter’s Weed, Heal-All, Heart of the Earth, Herbe au Charpentier, Hercules Woundwort, Hock-Heal, Petite Consoude, Prunella, Prunelle Vulgaire, Sicklewort, Slough-Heal, Woundwort, Xia Ku Cao ^^^Names […]
shared post from FB Scroll to the end for 🐰RABBIT USES🐰😉 CHICORY (Chicorium intybus) aka: Achicoria, Barbe de Capucin, Blue Sailors, Blue Daisy, Blue Dandelion, Blue Weed, Bunk, Cheveux de Paysans, Coffeeweed, Common Chicory Root, Cornflower, Horseweed, Ragged Sailors, Succory, Sugarloaf, Wild Bachelors Buttons, Wild Chicory, Wild Endive, Wild Succory and Witloof Nicknames vary by location […]
shared post from FB LAMB’S QUARTERS (Chenopodium album) aka wild spinach, pigweed, goosefoot, white goosefoot, melde, manure weed, bathua (Hindi) and fat hen Names vary by local and some names are used for varying plants❤️ Scroll to the bottom for 🐰RABBIT USES 🐰 GENERAL I have found this particular weed to have been cultivated basically worldwide so […]
shared post from FB A little less obvious of a useful weed IMO. Rabbit Uses as always are at the end ☺️ Cleavers (Galium aparine) AKA clivers, bedstraw, goosegrass, catchweed, stickyweed, sticky bob, stickybud, stickyback, robin-run-the-hedge, sticky willy, sticky willow, stickyjack, stickeljack, grip grass and velcro plant General description The most repetitive information I kept coming […]
shared post from FB Again rabbit uses at the end. I may need to tweak a time or two PINEAPPLE WEED (Matricaria discoidea) aka wild chamomile, disc mayweed, false chamomile and rayless mayweed. GENERAL INFORMATION Antimicrobial, antibacterial, analgesic, antiparasitic, sedative, anti inflammatory, antispasmodic, anthelmintic, antifungal The dense nutrient content of this herb includes myrcene, germacrene […]
shared post from FB As always any rabbit advice is at the end. I may need to tweak this one a bit BLACKBERRY OTHER NAME(S): Black Berry, Bramble, Dewberry, Feuilles de Mûrier, Feuilles de Ronce, Goutberry, Mûre, Mûre Sauvage, Mûrier, Ronce du Canada, Ronce Commune, Ronce Laciniée, Rubi Fruticosi Folium, Rubi Fruticosi Radix, Rubus affinis, […]
shared post from FB Another long one! 😉 As always Rabbit uses info is on the end YARROW aka arrowroot, bad man’s plaything, bloodwort, carpenter’s weed, death flower, devil’s nettle, eerie, field hops, gearwe, hundred leaved grass, knight’s milefoil, knyghten, milefolium, milfoil, millefoil, noble yarrow, nosebleed, old man’s mustard, old man’s pepper, sanguinary, seven year’s love, […]
shared post from FB BEWARE OF BEING LONG Below is a must have for most breeders I know and I’ve listed a lot of reasons why. Please understand that all these uses apply to our buns too COLLOIDAL SILVER aka Argent Colloïdal, Argent Ionique, Argent Natif, Argentum Metallicum, Colloidal Silver Protein, Ionic Silver, Native Silver, […]
shared post from FB I decided to still do a weekly forage weed even though I did the GSE post. I’ll probably end up doing one on dandelion too but I think most people at least have some idea of its value so I’ll wait on it. If you guys have suggestions just dm me. […]
shared post from FB I decided to do an info post on GSE as I’ve learned that although some breeders are aware of it not all are and it’s something I use regularly. Hope you enjoy. GRAPEFRUIT SEED EXTRACT (GSE) It’s uses include but are not limited to are: antiparasitic, antifungal, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiviral and […]
shared post from FB GI STASIS I found a very helpful article today while trying to help a friend with her bunny. Every bunny owner at least at one point in time either has or will experience GI Stasis. Read the page thoroughly for detailed information that can help 🖤🖤 http://www.bio.miami.edu/hare/ileus.html _______________ https://www.facebook.com/fattrabbitfarmsinc/posts/2190538587680875 ________________________________ (I […]