I’m in the process of trying to get everybody sorted and pictures taken in between work hours. The following is off the top of my head (and phone notes lol) without checking the laptop.
– 3 or 4 French lops from 2 different litters born September 2024. Same sire but different dams. I think there’s at least 1 doe.
– 2 black mini rex born 12-4-24. 1 buck, 1 doe. Both parents do carry the dwarf gene as there were peanuts in the litter
-Rex bucks also born 12-4-24. A few blue otter and 1 black otter
There are a few Flemish mixes available too but I do have to look at the laptop for their info
Future litters
-mini rex litter born 1/7/25
-French Lop litter born 1/9/25
-NZW litter born 1/28/25